All Basic Electrical Terms In Electrical Engineering
All Basic Electrical Terms In Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering is a vast field that deals with the study, design, and application of electrical systems and equipment. Understanding the basic electrical terms is essential for anyone pursuing a…

Open Loop and Closed Loop Control Systems
Open Loop and Closed Loop Control Systems

Introduction In the field of control systems, several sorts of systems are used to monitor and regulate processes. The open loop system is one example. This page tries to provide…

Global Water Power Production and Energy Source Reserves
Global water Power Production And Energy Source reserves

Introduction Water power, also known as hydroelectric power, is produced when water is allowed to fall naturally under the effect of gravity. The production of electricity there presently accounts for…

Global Coal Production and Energy Source Reserves
Global Coal Production and Energy Source Reserves

Coal: Coal is the result of the natural decomposition of flora that was buried in marshes and kept away from oxygen for a long period of time. The term "coal"…

Deficiency Disease Improper Diet
Deficiency Disease, Improper Diet (Components Of Foods)

Even though a person is eating enough food, occasionally the meal may not include all of the nutrients that person needs. The person may experience a deficit or Deficiency Disease,…

What Is Transformer, Uses Of Transformer (Electric Machine)
What Is Transformer, 10 Uses Of Transformer (Electric Machine)

What Is Transformer? The transformer is a device that uses a magnetic field to transmit electrical energy from one electrical circuit to another electrical circuit without changing the frequency. The…

BCD Code or Binary Coded Decimal
BCD Code or Binary Coded Decimal

In today's article, we will read about BCD code which is the binary coded decimal. Although a computer operates best using the binary number system, most humans are more familiar…

Digital System, Advantages, Uses in today life
Digital System, Advantages, Uses in today life

The current tech era is considered to as the "digital system age" because to the significant importance that digital technologies play in daily life. Communication, business transactions, traffic control, space…

Introduction of K Map (Karnaugh Map)
Introduction of K Map (Karnaugh Map)

In this article, we will learn about the k map (karnaugh map), by using this tool any boolean expression can be minimized very easily. The process of reducing a Boolean…

multiple choice questions on boolean theorems
(MCQ) 60 multiple choice questions on boolean theorems

Boolean theorems, or Boolean algebra, is a mathematical system that analyzes and simplifies digital logic circuits. It was developed by George Boole in the mid-19th century and is named after…